sigh i love kdramas

Reviews on Korean and Asian Dramas

August 2016 Korean Drama Review September 20, 2016


The first drama I finished was Doctors with Park Shin Hye. I enjoyed the drama for a while but I kinda got bored with the revenge plot for Shin Hye. I also found her love story got boring after a while. The kisses were also super awkward. I did enjoy the medical side of the drama and the guest stars were pretty awesome. The side stories made me want to watch the next episodes and found that to keep the drama going. The ending didn’t leave me with a strong impression, the drama was okay, not great and I expected more from Shin Hye, her acting hasn’t really improved.I enjoyed the large cast and all the individual stories which made it much more interesting to me. It just felt like something was missing. I have to say the first couple of episodes were much more interesting because it started when she was younger and it felt more fun and entertaining. When it switched to her being a doctor and an adult it just felt their was something lacking in the story. Of course it had a love triangle but it didn’t really explore that fully and it fell a bit flat. There was some tension with her childhood friend but even that was kinda lame. So in conclusion it was an okay drama, not great or terrible just okay.


The second drama I finished is Uncontrollably Fond. I would say if you don’t like horribly depressing dramas don’t even start this one. You probably can’t even count the number of times one of the main characters has a crying session. The last two episodes were unbearable because of all the sad scenes. The storyline falls a bit flat with again another revenge type plot. I wish they did more with the storyline tho make it more interesting. The love story gets boring with all its on and off moments that I can hardly keep up. I kept asking myself am I watching this if he has an incurable disease? I guess I had some secret hope that they would never let Woo Bin die, even in a drama! Woo Bin did a good job playing his depressing role with style. Suzy’s acting seemed a bit lacking for some reason, or else her character was not that interesting. I thought it was interesting that she seemed makeup less for most of the drama.I think they made her up for the last episode, maybe save her image at least for the end. This drama was also made ahead of time which is more unusual for dramas, so I thought it was going to be really good but I don’t think it really made that much of a difference to me. Overall if you don’t like depressing dramas stay clear of this one!

Picture 1The third drama I finished was W. This was a fascinating drama with the scifi and fantasy genre. Finally it felt like it was breath of fresh air when it came to fresh plots and interesting story lines. I liked how unpredictable this drama was, it just kept me guessing through the whole drama. I think that it was a bit to short to explain everything that happened. There was some logic flaws and confusing parts to this drama. That seems to happen in fantasy genres often though and I wasn’t particularly bothered by it maybe because I was well entertained by this drama. I loved that it would flip from a romance to a action to fantasy all in one episode. I also enjoyed how this drama would discuss the basics of what makes a story, it was an interesting dissection of what makes a good story. The characters were really fun and enjoyable, I have to say Jong-Suk really took the show, he plays his character so well. I can’t blame anyone for falling for him and his charms! Hyo-Joo is also really fun and is a bit quirky and fun in this drama. I got a bit tired of the dad and the killer in the storyline and found that a bit confusing. I really enjoyed this drama and I think it gave other dramas a hard time since it came out at the same time as Uncontrollably Fond. Everyone thought Uncontrollably Fond was going to do so well and then W sweeps in and takes number one spot. I think anyone would find this drama interesting and even if you don’t like sci-fi or fantasy that it would still be found enjoyable.






I also watched an older Web Drama called Nightmare Teacher which is categorized under Mystery and Thriller category. It stars Kim So Hyun who was from Who Are You School 2015 and Lee Min Hyuk from Btob. It is about a teacher who comes in and gives students consultations and gives them solutions to their problems but always come at a price. After watching this drama I am still confused about this drama. I think it needed more time to explain how and why everything happened. I feel like I was left with many unanswered questions and I feel like it had the potential to be so much better. The episodes definitely have a formula each student gets two episodes and then moves to a different problem. I don’t understand what the teacher was trying to do? and I don’t understand the ending. Maybe you guys can watch it and explain it to me!? I think it could have been so much better but I find it fascinating and I still find myself thinking about this drama.





I also finished an older korean drama Beautiful Gong Shim. I had wanted to watch this earlier but there were to many dramas going on at the same time. I wanted to watch it because it started Nam Gong-Min and I had been enjoying him in dramas lately although he was always playing the bad guy.In this drama he was playing a goofy romantic lead which made me interested to watch. This drama was a fun, light hearted, and comedic drama. I really enjoyed Minah from Girl’s Day she plays a girl who basically feels like the ugly duckling because her sister is beautiful and successful. I find her relatable and she is really cute. The minute she takes of her wig, she is really pretty so it isn’t super believable that she is thought of as ugly. I wish she could take of her wig earlier in the drama but oh well! There are some things that bother me like her sister storyline, it starts of strong as the manipulative sister but it just fizzles out at the end, it also bothers me that they don’t show the discovery of the two of them being sisters. The other thing that was strange was Gong-Min had this special power to see things in slow motion.I find it a strange addition to the story and not really sure if it is supposed to be going somewhere with it and it just is ignored. I would recommend this drama if you just need a light drama to make you smile.





The new drama I am watching is Moonlight Drawn by Clouds which is another gender bender drama.A girl who has dressed like a boy since she was young is sold to be a eunuch in the palace.She gets the attention of the crown Prince but she is unaware of who she is so the antics continue. I at first was not convinced by this drama since the story line is nothing new but I really liked Park Bo Geum as the crown Prince and it was nice to see him in a different role after reply 1988. This seems like a fun drama so far.


The second drama I am watching is Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo. This drama is based off of a Chinese novel which had been adapted to a Chinese drama before. I have not looked anything up because I don’t want to know the ending yet. I first of all have to say I have really missed IU in dramas!I am happy that she had made a comeback! The storyline is very busy with many characters.Basically it is like a reverse harem IU is surrounded by good looking men which all like her!  IU is taken from modern time to Goryeo time period and she had no idea why or how anything works. I am enjoying this drama way to much! It is do fun and addicting,I think this one will become very popular.


The third drama I want to watch is Shopping King Louie. This drama is about a young rich heir that lives life frivolously because he has lost his memories and a girl that will change his ways. This drama seems pretty stereotypical but I think I will still check it out!

What other dramas are you checking out that you think I should be too?





Thoughts on the second lead July 16, 2014

Filed under: extra — sighilovekdramas @ 12:43 am
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Seriously Every TIME!! Why do I always fall for the guy that isn’t the lead?? Oh Young-Do I would take you and your motorcycle too!!