sigh i love kdramas

Reviews on Korean and Asian Dramas

March Korean Drama Reviews 2016 March 25, 2016

So I finally finished Bromance a Taiwanese Drama that only got aired once a week so it takes a lot longer to finish as a drama. I was pleasantly surprised with this drama because for one thing I usually find that they are far too long and things get dragged out, which did happen a bit but not to the extent with some other dramas. I was really shocked at the chemistry in this drama and there are a few steamy scenes that caught me really off guard because it was so unexpected. I thought that it was actually really well done and the storyline pretty much made sense except for the whole part of her dressing like a man because a quack fortune teller told them to do so! At times I really thought Pi Yanou could have been a man with the way she looked and at other times it wasn’t super believable but overall they did a good job with the gender bender theme! I think this was a really enjoyable drama that has a lot of fun in it, although I wished she changed back into a girl a lot earlier in the drama.10

I also finished My Little Lover which is a Japanese Drama and had a hard time with finding subs for this drama. Thankfully Viki did sub it and so if you want to watch it, that is a good place. Well this drama was not the best, I really didn’t think it would be as it seemed a bit gimmicky. A girl turning into the one inch princess. It wasn’t terrible but I had a hard time getting myself to finish the series. Again I wish she would have gone back to normal earlier in the drama and found it got a bit repetitive of the problems she faced while being small. I just thought it would be an interesting drama but I found myself feeling disappointed with this drama.


The third drama I finished was Remember. This was a crazy drama and it did have some problems as the number of episodes kept changing. Boy this is a roller coaster of a drama, I never knew that I could feel so depressed and on edge after watching some episodes in this drama. Honestly this drama had so many problems with the storyline especially his dad with Alzheimer’s being sent to jail and the problems with the lack of evidence and everything. Despite that it was a fun drama to watch and the drama and intrigue was interesting. Also I don’t love Lawyer dramas but I have to say for the first time I think I learned something about court. I didn’t connect that great with the main loveline and didn’t really have a whole lot of interest in them and didn’t feel like I connected with their emotions. I seriously loved Park Dong-Ho the most, I loved his accent in this drama and he just so charismatic in this drama. Also another great reason to watch this drama is to check out Nam Goong Min acting in this drama, I loved watching him in We Got Married and he is seriously a crazy good actor in this drama. I didn’t think I would even enjoy this drama that much and it turns out I was wrong. It not the best lawyer drama out there but it sure is interesting!


I just finished Cheese In The Trap. Honestly I had such high hopes for this drama since I have been following the Webcomic for a while and was actually really surprised they were going to make a drama of it. I was worried about the ending since I knew the webcomic hasn’t been finished. Seriously though why do they pick up comics and manga as a show and the story isn’t even completed, like it is the worst idea. So the ending will disappoint you, no matter how you look at it. You become so invested in every decision that the characters make and the ending just feels like they wrote it off and it feels like a mess. It would be different if they would continue to do another series of it when the comic would finish the story but we will never get to see anymore and that is why it is so frustrating. I mean always having all endings wrapped up may seem cliche and not realistic or edgy or something but I still find it really disappointing. I think this drama needed more episodes and it just felt so wrong! At least we still have the webcomic that is continuing to make up for it!


I also just finished Moorim School. Now they at least gave us an ending that wouldn’t leave us feeling so unsatisfied. This drama really wasn’t that great but I think what saved this drama was the good looking boys, and it had Hong-Bin from Vixx, so fans probably supported it. This drama too was supposed to have more episodes but it got shortened. I found the storyline to be somewhat redundant and silly at times. Frankly this drama had way too many flashbacks and a lot of cliche moments. I didn’t hate it but I wasn’t that good at all. It was a bit strange with the secret powers and chintamani key or something. It was not well written at all but if you don’t mind things like that you might enjoy it.


The dramas that I am checking out next are Goodbye Mr. Black which is supposed to be about a man who is in the Navy and goes through some friend’s betrayal and is supposed to be a bit like the count of monte cristo which is a movie that I love! and He has to go into a fake marriage to hide his identity. Sounds like it could be a great drama if it is done properly!! Here’s hoping!


The second drama I am going to check out is Jackpot starring Jang Keun-Suk so I pretty much have to watch it now! This is of course a period drama which genre I don’t think I have watched before! So the story is that he is a gambler and a prince and is forced to live as a commoner so he wants to take revenge of the King by using his gambling skills. I hope that it will be interesting enough to watch 24 episodes worth of!!!photo704477

The third drama I will be watching is Refresh Man which of course stars Aaron Yan who has been the star in so many of the Taiwanese Dramas that I have watched. I hope I will not find it redundant because I have watched so much of him but I sure hope it will be good. The storyline is that Aaron has a childhood friend Yu Tang who competed with him in school and always did better than him. When grows up the tables are turned and he becomes a CEO and she becomes his secretary. Then tension between the two of them sounds pretty exciting! I hope this will be a fun drama!!
