sigh i love kdramas

Reviews on Korean and Asian Dramas

November Dramas 2015 November 21, 2015

I finished She Was Pretty and I have to say it was an awesome drama! It was my favorite one this fall. It has twists and turns and I have to say was pretty fulfilling. I would really suggest if you watch any drama this fall or winter to watch She Was Pretty! It was so much fun and I have to say that Si Won really surprised me with his acting skills! It is worth it just to watch him act!

I also finished Sassy Go Go or Cheer Up. I liked this drama as well even though it was pretty much a typical high school drama but I was okay with that. I am a little tired of Eun Ji playing those type of roles I would like to see her doing other things. All I can say is I really hope that students don’t have to be living like that and dealing with those things in high school!

I am currently watching Because It’s The First Time. It is about a group of friends that live in the same neighborhood and are at college age. Tae-Oh as Min Ho is the lead and is in love with his childhood friend Song-Yi and he doesn’t want to believe it and so is pushing his feelings down. It is a bright drama with interesting characters and it is only on once a week and is shorter than other dramas. I enjoy the interactions between the characters and have been pleasantly surprised by this drama. I think it may have a more realistic bent on relationships and hardships of being a twenty year old.

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The second drama I am watching is Bubblegum with Dong-Wook as the lead Ri-Hwan. I have to say I wanted to watch this drama because of him since I loved him a lot in Roommates. It is about Ri-Hwan who is an eastern doctor and his childhood friend Haeng-Ah who grew up with him like a sister because her parents died. It is a struggle to discover their true feelings with others getting in the way. This drama is a bit slower but hopefully it will pick up. I find Dong-Wook’s character not as lovable as I would like but it’s okay. I don’t think this will be the most exciting story and may be a bit more typical but I think it will still be enjoyable.4 5 6

The third drama I picked up is Reply 1988, I have only watched one episode so far, so I am still unsure if I will like this drama. The drama is about five families that live on the same street. The focus seems to be on the Seoul Olympics this year and a bit of a tribute to that year. It seems like this will be an interesting drama because there is a lot of people that the storyline can focus on. It seems like the main focus will be on the kids from the families but there is still a lot of focus on the parents too. Maybe it would strike more a chord if you grew up in the 80’s and also have been from Korea. I will keep sticking with this drama because it seems like it will be heartwarming.7 8 9

The fourth drama I am watching is a Taiwanese Drama called Bromance. The storyline is about Pi Ya Nuo who when she was born was told her fortune and that since she was born a girl she would not survive childhood unless she would live a as a boy for the next 25 years. So now that she is going to be 26 she has to decide whether she will continue as a boy or change to a girl. She also saves Zi Feng who is a powerful man and becomes his sworn brother which complicates her life. So this a typical girl dressed up a boy drama to some extent. I have to say all that craziness is still fun no matter how many times it has been done. Again since it is a Taiwanese drama there is some overacting that is involved. I hope it will not be dragged out too long as I find some of their dramas have the tendency to do so. I am pleasantly surprised by this drama and Ya Nuo actually seems pretty convincing as a boy compared to other girls. It is a fun drama and I am enjoying the fun of it.

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I am also checking out a Japanese Drama  My Little Lover. Again I have only watched the first episode but it looks like an amusing drama. It is about Horikiri a girl who has a childhood friend who is her neighbor Minami. They are in high school and have grown apart and one day when she is upset about this she wishes she could go back to when they were friends. Instead she becomes 15 cm tall and is found by Minami. It looks like a fun drama but it seems a bit cheesy and unrealistic but that is what makes it a charming drama. I feel like Jdramas don’t get as much love so I hope everyone can check this drama out!

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