sigh i love kdramas

Reviews on Korean and Asian Dramas

My Origin Story February 18, 2017

Filed under: extra — sighilovekdramas @ 2:39 pm
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So I wanted to talk about my origin story, how exactly did I get into watching Korean dramas or any other Asian dramas? I want to your story as well since it seems like an uncommon hobby! So first of all it started around 2010/2011 Netflix first came out in Canada! So I tried it and I watched anime for the first time, well I have seen anime before this with my brother but nothing that I really loved. Netflix was streaming Fruits Basket and that completely got me hooked. How did they put so much emotion into a animated series! It was just really different from the North American view of animation. I then watched Ouran High which was also really enjoyable. I then looked up Ouran High on the internet and found that it was a manga and I could read what happens past the anime.

I then was introduced into the world of manga. I then started searching for more anime’s online and I came across Nana and that series blew everything out of the water. It took my heart out and stomped it on the ground! I seriously have never felt so invested in a story before. I of course then turned to the manga to find out what happened and sadly the writer has stopped writing the series due to her health. I am still holding out hope that she will finish it one day.!

So after that I was at my local library looking at books and came across a manga section in the library which made me excited, I picked up all the copies of the manhwa Goong and took it home. I quickly read through the few books that there was and of course then turned to the internet to find out more about it. So I kept reading it online and one day I was searching it and came across a live action of the series. I thought it was like a movie so I watched about two hours and was so confused that it wasn’t ending. I then did more research and realized it was a Korean TV series. Weirdly enough I didn’t like it that much to keep watching it and so I left it for a while. But for some reason I went back to the Korean dramas and I found one that was recommended and so the first drama that I completed was Boys Over Flowers which completely sold me into the world of Korean dramas. I haven’t really looked back and have fallen into the wonderland hole of Korean Dramas! So how did your addiction start?