sigh i love kdramas

Reviews on Korean and Asian Dramas

Zion.T _ Eat(꺼내 먹어요) May 27, 2015

Filed under: Kpop MV — sighilovekdramas @ 5:40 pm
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First of all I have to say that when you watch Korean dramas there is such a good chance that you will become fans of Kpop music because in dramas they play the same song every episode and it is more than likely kpop music or just korean music. So I have become hooked to some Korean music. I enjoy watching some music videos once in a while and every once in a while there is a song that I have connected with or just want to listen to all the time because I think it is brillant. So I want to highlight some videos that love and one of those is Eat by Zion.T. which I am in love with. I am not always a fan of slower songs but the first time I listened to it I have to say I cried. I was having a hard day and the words that he sang are just so touching and meaningful. I don’t even quite know why they are but I just find that it touches my heart.

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Zion T. is singing to this girl who is drained from working and he is just reminding her that he is there for her and keeps telling her to take care of herself. It really is a simple song of just reminding someone to eat even though she doesn’t feel like it. I feel like those most close to you are the ones that will tell you to eat and to just keep living when you feel like you can’t make it through.



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I also just love the way he sings this song it is so catchy and I love how he goes from the falsetto to his lower register when he sings saranghyeo. I also love how he says at the very beginning annyeong. I have to say I also love his look in the video with his red hair, he is just so cool and his broken sunglasses are just so great. I think I also just love the colors in this video from the light blues to his red hair I love it all.

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I also found it connecting with me because when I feel anxious and worried I can’t even think about eating because I have no appetite and find it really hard. So someone encouraging you to eat is like showing they care because even though it is the most basic thing to do sometimes you need help and encouragement. I also find eating alone is not fun though compared to being able to eat with someone. So he made this song for her to listen to even when he is not there.

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I just love this song sooooo much!! Thanks Zion. T, I think you are awesome!!!





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